Was ich schon immer mal sehen wollte: Russland.
Normalerweise erzähle ich von meinen Reisen. Aber heute wollte ich mal was ganz anderes erzählen – von meinen Liebchensmenschen.
Sailing through the Northwest Passage means that you spend a whole journey above the Arctic Circle, in some of the coldest waters of the world. So please enjoy this boring post about safety in polar waters.
Die Beringsee ist für ihre reichhaltigen Fischbestände bekannt – unter anderem auch für den pazifischen Heilbutt, der zwar nicht besonders schön, aber dafür besonders lecker ist.
Adventurers in the old days would keep travel journals, dipping their feather in ink and scribbling by candlelight after a day of new discoveries. Modern cruise ships have internet, so you can share your adventures with people from all over the world in real time. Or they don’t, and then you have to wait until you get home to share your adventures, like in the old days.