Life before death.

A website dedicated to growing old disgracefully.


Dream big, or dream small. Never mind. As long as you have plans and dreams, you’re alive and kicking. Make sure to live life before death.


Make yourself at home.

Home is where your heart is safe. Surround yourself with people you love and things that spark joy.

Drag yourself off the couch.

Go out, have fun, get fit. Try something new as often as you can.

Sharing my adventures

This blog is from me as a private individual for you as a private individual. It serves no commercial purpose and, in fact, no purpose at all other than to share what’s going on in my life with anyone who wants to know.

The site may use cookies or webfonts or other technical stuff I don’t understand. I have not put up a cookie disclaimer because they are super-annoying, so please be aware nonetheless that your PC or device may gain weight if too many cookies are consumed.
The language barrier

I’ve not made up my mind.


Some of this blog will be written in English. Entschuldigung to any German readers.


Aber manchmal schreibe ich auf Deutsch. Apologies an meine English readers.

Take a look around

Hot off the press

It flows

Have you ever heard of „flow“? Flow is the blissful state we find ourselves in when we are deeply involved in an activity that is challenging but well suited to our skills. In other words: Time flows when you’re having fun!

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It smells

A place’s unique smell is part of its character, and something that sticks in our memories. In some cases, I wish it didn’t.

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Welcome to Miami

Nach vielen Wochen in subarktischen und arktischen Gefilden werden spätestens jetzt die warmen Klamotten eingemottet: Wir sind in den Tropen.

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