Zero-calorie Donuts
I arrived in Ushuaia, the town that proudly refers to itself as ‚Fin del Mundo‘ – the town at the end of the world – a few days ago to take part in a three-day Zodiac boat training. This course is offered to employees and contractors who are new to Zodiac boat driving, or as a refresher course for experienced drivers.
One of the exercises we did to hone our Zodiac skills was doing ‚donuts‘: driving in tight circles to get a better feel of how our boat turns and how its behaviour changes as you throttle up or down. I am pretty sure this is the funnest way to enjoy donuts, and it comes with zero calories!
The course also covered some destination-specific contents, such as testing out and practising the use of our safety kits for polar conditions. We spoke about the places we might be visiting, the IAATO guidelines, which help us protect the unique and delicate ecosystem of Antarctica, and learned more about the ice we’ll be seeing.
Now I just can’t wait to finally get to experience it!